I’m figuring the most appropriate post to start on this blog is my plans for 2015. I was inspired by Marcy Penner‘s post about her plans for 2015, so I figure I would write out a list of things that were working for me, that weren’t working for me, and what I’d like to do more of. I was going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth (you get it) for the past month about what size I would go with. I love the idea of an 8.5×11 album, but cutting and sewing page protectors seems like a drag for me and I have so many 12×12 protectors, I don’t want them to go to waste. I won’t even deny how lazy I am when it comes to the tedious aspects of crafting like that. So, I decided to just stick to my 12×12, despite how large and space-taking it is. I’m going with WRMK’s Black Classic Leather Album.
- Design A Page Protectors, especially when I’m in a rush. It helps me plan out my photos to print without spending ages trying to see which photos fit which design.
- Not being obsessed about weekly, monthly, whatever.
- Using multiple platforms in terms of printing — sometimes I use my Selphy if they’re “whatever” photos (I know, that sounds terrible), but using my computer printer when they’re photos I really love. I know the American Selphys don’t print true 4×6’s, but the Japanese Selphys photos are SO TINY. I don’t know how to get around it. Ugh.
- Using Studio Calico‘s mood board sneaks to choose a color scheme for the month.
- Like I said before, obsessing over monthly, weekly, whatever. I used to trip out about having enough photos each week, or if I had too many. Seriously? Who cares. You’re not going to look back 10 years later and be like, “So I wonder what I did during Week 48 of 2014?”. Seriously.
- TRYING to scrap in my home office. I run a pre-school, so honestly, my home office is cluttered with papers, bills, folders, etc. I attempted this in the beginning but it just. Doesn’t. Work.
- Falling behind and being too scared to catch up. I have most of the summer + November & December left to do in my album.
- Scrap-envy. AKA going through the Member and Creative Team gallery at Studio Calico and getting frustrated my albums look nothing like theirs. Worst habit ever.
- Simple pages with more focus on the story. I look back and my journaling is so snooze worthy. Like, “today we made dinner and it was great” status. Uhhhhh ZZZZZZZ…… Seriously gotta work on that and telling MEANINGFUL stories about our lives.
- Finding a way to incorporate memorabilia into my pages. I always keep so much crap, but I end up just tossing it because I forget about it, or feel weird about gluing them to cards or whatever.
- Since I got a Silhouette Cameo for Christmas, I’d like to practice using it to incorporate it into my pages.
So, that about sums it up. Now that I put it out there, I expect you all to hold me to these “resolutions” and call me out on it if I’m slacking. I’m excited for 2015 – “the best year yet!” 😉